If it were not for gutter oil, the public would still be unfamiliar with the concept of aviation biofuel, which was once a "rat crossing the street" and then transformed into a tall aviation fuel, whi
Algae biofuels have a problem. This alternative fuel source, like many biofuels, helps reduce carbon emissions without taking land away from food production. But it has been abandoned by big companies
Biomass pellet machine as a new type of environmental protection equipment. The advantages of its production of biofuels are very obvious. Biofuels produced by biomass pellet machines have three advan
Can you imagine that happening to a 25-year-old? Liang Yuxiang, a graduate student in the School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Zhejiang Gongshang University, cleverly improved the output
On July 1, Slovenia implemented the Renewable Transport Fuels Act, which requires fuel dealers to add biofuels to regular fuel.
The adoption of biofuels and hybrid power systems in passenger vehicles is important in order to meet the European greenhouse gas reduction targets by 2030, but the current regulatory framework does n
In terms of demand, Paulus Tjakrawan, vice president of the Indonesian Biofuel Producers Association, pointed out that since 2014, the export demand for biodiesel has declined, especially in Europe, b
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said it is seeking public comment on a proposed reduction in the amount of biofuel blending in the fuel supply in 2018.
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